Privacy policy
What customer data do we hold ?
We only hold minimal and relevant learner and parent data for administrative and assessment purposes. Only data that has been volunteered by individuals, parents or guardians is held.
We store the following data ..
- child (student) name
- child (student) DOB
- child (student) age
- child (student) school attended
- child (student) school year
- parent name
- parent mobile
- parent email
- activity attended
- certificate achievements
Data is held in encrypted and password protected form and is only accessible to the directors and nominated staff at The Pixel Gang.
You can request a copy of your data or request it is amended or deleted at any time. Contact us here.
Sharing data
Your data will never be shared with any individual, organisation, business or agency outside The Pixel Gang, except in the case of a criminal prosecution when data may be shared.
Learner and parent data is not shared with other learners and parents without the explicit permission of the learner or parent who's data is to be shared.
Website cookies
We do not and have never used cookies on our websites.