We have clear and effective procedures for fairly resolving any complaints

Parents & learners complaints procedures

In the event of a safeguarding issue

Our Safeguarding policy is here

The following procedures are to be used in the event of any safeguarding issue including ...

  • discrimination (sexual, racism, ageist etc)
  • harassment
  • bullying (physical and verbal)
  • bullying (cyber)
  • homophobia
  • equal opportunities (social, gender, access to learner etc)


1) Initial complaint

Confidential meeting between parent, learner and teacher (or director if the teacher is not appropriate). A report of the incident will be generated and signed by the parent and/or learner and teacher or director.

2) Interviews with witness / second person etc

If the complaint involves a second person (learner or staff), an interview will be conducted with them and a secondary report generated.

3) Review of evidence

The reports will be discussed by the teacher and our directors, or an independent mentor.

4) External

If the issue cannot be resolved it will be referred to the appropriate outside agency (child protection agency, police etc) if necessary.

In the event of a dispute over an accreditation

1) Initial complaint to teacher or staff

The initial complaint or appeal should be made to the session teacher and, where appropriate the learner's mentor may also be notified. In all cases of appeal or grievance, the teacher must complete a report on the circumstances and the action taken. This will be submitted to our directors asap. In most cases we would anticipate the teacher being able to resolve the situation to the satisfaction of the complainant. A copy of the complaint / appeal will be held on file for a minimum period of 3 years.

2) Centre directors

If the complainant remains unsatisfied with the response of the teacher, or if the teacher feels unable to resolve the situation, the teacher should consult the directors. The directors will mediate in situations where the dispute is related to the actions of the teacher. The directors will confirm to the learner the position of The Pixel Gang in terms of procedure and policy, and make an objective analysis of the learner complaint. In cases where the appeal goes beyond the teacher, a file is created in which all subsequent meetings, discussions and communications are entered. At this stage it becomes the responsibility of the directors to keep all parties informed of developments. If the appeals process highlights discrepancies in the evaluation standards, the teacher may be overridden/led by the directors.

All appeals procedures will be administered in line with our stated Equal opportunities policy.